I do not remember if I had to restart the button... but yes in 1.3.30 power cycle is the only way.
this is my service config as an example. maybe it will help 🙂
(I use http://mqtt-explorer.com/ to read queues from my mqtt server and test it...)
"mystrom": true,
"homekit": false,
"rest_api": true,
"panel": true,
"aws": true,
"discovery": true,
"udp_search": true,
"aws_notifies": false,
"ssdp": false,
"mdns": true,
"mdns_search": true,
"homekit_configured": false,
"cloud_ping": false,
"broadcast_period": 5,
"mdns_search_period": 60,
"remote_buttons": {
"enable": false,
"targets": {
"btn1": null,
"btn2": null,
"btn3": null,
"btn4": null,
"input": null,
"pir": null
"mqtt": {
"uri": "mqtt://dingz:dingz@192.168.x.y:z",
"enable": true,
"server.crt": null